Team Member Home Town Primary Sports Notable Achievements

Mark Manning
San Francisco, CA Cycling Adventure Racing Navigation 3 time winner of San Francisco Night and Day Challenge, Winner of SVS Series 2005, Winner of Big Blue Golden Gate and Ocean Blue races. Member of Navigators Cycling Team 1997 to 2001, Inventor of the Basic Roamer AR, Gel Ladder, Mountain Bike Map Holder and Waterproof Pedometer from AR Navigation Supplies

Andy Tubbs
San Francisco, CA Ultra Running Adventure Racing Setting speed record around Torres Del Paine National Park in Patagonia, Chile. I hadn't seen anyone in 7 hours and then spotted 4 trekkers climbing the pass before reaching Glacier Grey. I can only imagine their fright when I came running past in my shorts and jumper, trudging through knee deep snow.

Mari Chandler
South Lake Tahoe, CA Running Has been known to tow a male teammate (or 2) during the running sections of a race.

Grant Sisler
San Francisco, CA Ultra Running Completing the Southern Traverse and Explore Sweden.

Fairfax, CA Mountain Biking Too many to count.

Super Supporter Hailey
San Francisco, CA Swimming, Biking, Running 3 time qualifier for Ironman 70.3 World Championships
Qualifier for Kona Ironman World Championships 2010

Mike Prindiville
Menlo Park, CA Running, Orienteering Member of NCAA Championship Cross Country Team at Stanford, 1996 and 1997. Competed in 1500 meter Pac10 championships